5 best Minecraft Parkour servers in 2023

If you're a fan of Minecraft, then you've probably tried parkour, the art of moving through environments efficiently, often with some obstacles in mind. For example, jumping from platform to platform or wall-jumping on top of buildings.

If you're a fan of Minecraft, then you've probably tried parkour, the art of moving through environments efficiently, often with some obstacles in mind. For example, jumping from platform to platform or wall-jumping on top of buildings.

The best Minecraft Parkour servers have taken this concept and made it into a game where players compete against each other by building maps that test their agility and skill. Here are some of the best places you can go for fun when it comes to playing parkour.

Note: This article reflects the writer's opinion.

Minr and four other Minecraft servers that are great for testing your parkour skills

5) MoxMC

IP address: moxmc.net

MoxMC is one of the most famous parkour servers (Image via Mojang)

MoxMC is a great Minecraft server for playing parkour because it has a lot of maps to choose from and a large community. Minecraft community server can make or break the game for you, and if you are searching for many people with whom you can play together, this one is the perfect choice for you!

The gameplay on MoxMC is straightforward. Just join the server and start climbing. The maps have different themes and difficulty levels that will keep you entertained as long as your skill improves.

MoxMC offers a leaderboard and time-trial system, allowing you to race against other players and friends. They also offer the ability to race other players, which is incredibly fun for those searching for competition.

The server even offers a story that players can follow and keep doing parkour that varies in skill level. You can follow murder investigations, pirate treasure hunts, and thrilling stories!

4) Powercraft Network

IP address: powercraft.network

Powercraft Network is a brilliant parkour server (Image via Mojang)

Powercraft Network is a community-based Minecraft server with various parkour maps, mini-games, and PvP arenas. The server provides its users with many options to choose what they want to do during their time on the server. For example, if you are bored of playing parkour, then you can try some other game modes, such as:

  • Skyblock
  • Factions
  • Earth SMP
  • Prison
  • Skywars
  • Creative
  • Robbers

The Parkour system on this Minecraft server is genuinely impressive, offering maps for all skill levels. Anyone new to parkour, to someone who's an experienced veteran, will love this server.

Players can access stuff in-game by donating, such as the perk of being able to fly. This makes it easier to visualize a jump or fully understand a map. Some of the maps on this server are insanely long and can take hours to complete, where you can choose whether or not you would like to complete the course with checkpoints or not.

3) Jumpcraft

IP address: jumpcraft.org

Jumpcraft hosts a considerable amount of parkour maps (Image via Mojang)

Jumpcraft is an excellent parkour Minecraft server with a large and active community that has been around for years. The server offers many features, including ranks, a custom map, and custom plugins. The server owners are friendly and very active in their community, making it easy to get help when needed.

Jumpcraft offers an incredibly unique feature that keeps track of every player's hours, jumps, and records! The server contains 600+ parkour courses for players to complete.

The server offers many games where you can interact in the chat, such as unscrambling words or doing math for some in-game coins. This is a fun way to keep people close and to talk, but people can always ignore it and jump away on their parkour course.

2) Renatus

IP address: parkourcraft.com

Renatus is a fantastic server for parkour (Image via Mojang)

Renatus is a Minecraft parkour server with many custom-made maps, mini-games, and more. It has been in the parkour community for many years and is still growing. They have great staff members who are always there to help out new players. This server is great for players looking to learn about the sport or have fun with friends.

Renatus features unique custom maps, such as a large dungeon and multiverse. The server has extremely extensive courses, where players can spend tons of time attempting to complete the maps. If you're looking for a fun new place to play with friends or learn more about parkour, this might be the right place for you!

Additionally, this server has many other mini-games, such as Survival, Creative, and a unique Battlegrounds game. If you ever manage to complete the maps in the parkour section of the server, you can always attempt to build your courses in the creative server.

1) Minr

IP address: zero.minr.org

Minr is the best Minecraft parkour server (Image via Mojang)

Minr is a Minecraft parkour server focused on having fun, building friendships, and making memories. The community here is amicable and helpful; plenty of players are ready to show you the ropes or chat about their favorite memes. The staff team is also great—they're quick to respond when you need them (which isn't often), but they don't get in your way unless something needs fixing.

Minr has an excellent map selection that appeals to experienced Minecraft players and newcomers alike. The various mini-games available on this server will keep you entertained for hours!

This server is full of different challenges, adventures, and more. Players can shift from many co-op puzzle games to adventure maps full of parkour, mazes, and many other intricate missions.

Minr hosted events where players from the Parkour community could create their own maps, which were voted on in Discord. The best parkour courses were added to the server for all to play. If you want something featured on this server, be active in their Discord.

Minecraft Parkour server tips and tricks

  • Know your distances and line your jumps up accordingly. The two corners on the corresponding blocks closest to each other are frequently the finest places to align the surface from which you are leaping precisely and the surface on which you are landing for many longer jumps.
  • When you land and crouch, players are less likely to overrun their landing, thanks to this. However, you can still skip over the edge if you land on something's extreme edge and crouch.
  • Always decide on the type of jump you perform before moving toward the next jump. Are you performing a corner or momentum jump, a corner jump while walking, a spring jump while standing, or something even more difficult?
  • Be careful you don't hit your head. Many players hate head-hitting jumps, and strategically placed blocks on a parkour level will cause you to fall and bang your head too frequently. Before jumping, make sure to glance up and around, and if at all possible, avoid striking your head. If you must perform a head hitter, line up your angles to cover the shortest distance possible. Then, sprint and jump as if you were performing a long jump from the very edge.
  • Allow yourself space to move. Landing on the very edge of a block and then attempting to run and jump to the next block without moving back and giving themselves some room to run first is another standard error by rookie parkour players. It happens too frequently to see players go off the edge of a block because they were unaware of their position.

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