5 best ways to earn chrono crystals in Dragon Ball Legends (2023)

Dragon Ball Legends is one of the best mobile fighting games from Bandai Namco. and Chrono Crystals are an essential part of the game. Boasting stunning graphics, you can find your favorite character and enjoy the story mode, as well as the PvP game option, where you may engage in real-time combat with other players.

Dragon Ball Legends is one of the best mobile fighting games from Bandai Namco. and Chrono Crystals are an essential part of the game. Boasting stunning graphics, you can find your favorite character and enjoy the story mode, as well as the PvP game option, where you may engage in real-time combat with other players. You can assemble your fight squad by summoning characters.

Dragon Ball Legends allows you to gather Chrono crystals, an in-game currency used to summon characters or get any equipment. However, earning these crystals without knowing the best ways to collect chrono crystals is not easy. Thus, this listicle will provide you with the top five ways to earn crystals in Dragon Ball Legends.

Note: This list is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions

Best ways to earn chrono crystals in Dragon Ball Legends

1) Collect crystals as Login Bonuses

Login Bonus is the easiest way to earn chrono crystals in the game, as it does not require any skills. You can easily log in daily to claim crystals as part of the login bonus. You must make sure to log in each day consecutively to earn more CCs than the previous day.

Players must log in for 21 consecutive days to earn 700 chrono crystals, which can be used to gain characters, rewards, equipment, and more. In addition to the login bonus, you can gather 10 CCs with a daily and starter bonus.

Thus, make sure to make a habit of logging into the game once every day to earn significant chrono crystals.

2) Update and Maintainance Rewards

You can also get Crystals from the "Presents" section of the game, where you can claim crystals as a reward for installing updates. You can also get crystals as compensation for some errors, bugs, and maintenance delays.

While you will not receive crystals as compensation all the time, it is always a good idea to keep a check on the game officials' social media accounts and websites so that you can stay up to date on upcoming updates.

Collecting the rewards from the "Presents" section before expiration, which is 30 days from the date of receiving the presents is mandatory.

3) Complete challenges and beginner missions

Plenty of challenges and missions in the game will help you earn significant Chrono Crystals upon completion. A few beginner tasks are easy to complete, and give 5-10 CC as a reward. These tasks include missions such as wearing equipment or completing a part of a chapter.

Additionally, there are lots of battle challenges that will help you gather more Crystals. The more challenges you accomplish, the more bonus CCs you will get. When a fight ends, a screen will display the list of completed challenges with an “acquired” stamp.

4) Complete Story Chapters

Dragon Ball Legends also features a story mode to help players collect crystals upon completion. You must try to complete the chapters in the first attempt to claim the rewards. You can also get new characters and equipment upon completion of the story chapters.

It is one of the best ways to earn CCs in Dragon Ball Legends. Therefore, make sure to complete chapters at your pace and claim CCs that will be beneficial to summon gameplay elements such as new characters, equipment, and much more.

5) Rank up in PvP Battles

You must compete in PvP matches, called rating matches, that let you battle against your ranked players. Click "PvP" on the game home screen, then click "Rating Match." You must participate in more PvP matches to increase your rankings.

Ranking higher in PvP Battle will not only aid you in unlocking new rewards but also help gather more Chrono Crystals and collect them as a "First Rank-up" reward.

It is not the easiest way to earn CCs, requiring more skills, effort, and time to rank higher. Hence, always stay active and participate in PvP matches to claim significant Chrono Crystals in Dragon Ball Legends.

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