Anderson Cooper: Ive always giggled like a 13 year-old girl

When Gerard Depardieu took a piss in the middle of a plane aisle, some of you laughed. When it came time for Anderson Cooper to report the story, the boy had a near breakdown. Maybe it was just the basics of the story large, French actor taking a piss in front of people on


When Gerard Depardieu took a piss in the middle of a plane aisle, some of you laughed. When it came time for Anderson Cooper to report the story, the boy had a near breakdown. Maybe it was just the basics of the story – large, French actor taking a piss in front of people on a plane – or maybe it was all of the puns and double-entendres in Anderson’s script, but whatever it was, Anderson erupted into an unstoppable giggle fit that quickly went viral (the giggling starts around the 2:30 mark):

So, everyone was talking about how Anderson giggles like a girl. Entertainment Weekly spoke to Anderson about it, and he was pretty funny about the incident:

It’s safe to say Anderson Cooper finds laughs in bathroom humor. Just last Thursday, a video clip from Cooper’s CNN show, Anderson Cooper 360, went viral after the anchor fell into an mean case of the giggles during his “Ridiculist” segment. The subject? Actor Gerard Depardieu’s airplane urination which Cooper said at least wasn’t a “Depar-TWO.”

Now, Cooper tells EW he’s even surprised by how popular the footage became.

“I don’t know what happened with the giggling,” Cooper tells EW. “I mean, I’ve always giggled like a 13 year-old girl at a Justin Bieber meet and greet. There’s nothing I can do about it but I’ve never not been able to stop. I’m a little stunned by how many people have seen that video. I went to bed telling myself, ‘I doubt anyone will notice the giggle fit.’ I woke up and in the elevator the first thing my building super said to me was, ‘What’s wrong with your laugh?’ It could be worse: I could have a viral video in which I throw up on a guest or drunkenly eat a hamburger on a bathroom floor. Not that I’ve ever done either of those things. Not yet at least.”

[From Entertainment Weekly]

There is something he could do about it, I think. I worked to change my laugh, and it ended up happening. When I used to laugh, my whole body would shake, but very little laughter would come out of my mouth. It was more like a full-body fit than a chuckle. Anyway, I consciously made the effort to laugh differently, and it worked. Sort of. Now when something really cracks me up, I end up snorting. But that’s fine.


Photos courtesy of Fame.

