Andrew Tate takes NSFW dig at much-hyped Margot Robbie-starrer 'Barbie'

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate does not seem to be a big fan of the recently released Hollywood movie 'Barbie', which features Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in the leading roles. 'Top G' uploaded a post to his Twitter where he took an NSFW jibe at the much-awaited film.

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate does not seem to be a big fan of the recently released Hollywood movie 'Barbie', which features Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in the leading roles.

'Top G' uploaded a post to his Twitter where he took an NSFW jibe at the much-awaited film.

"Only Barbie movie Im watching takes place at bedtime"

Tate's tweet confused several people as they tried to make sense of the influencer's post:

"Dog what the f**k does this even mean lmfao."

One Twitter user even criticized Tate for his attempt at humor:

"I get what he was going for here but this is an awful attempt at a joke."

Barbie, along with Oppenheimer, was released in theatres on July 21. The two movies have become a hot discussion topic as fans are rushing to the theatres to watch them both. There have also been numerous accounts of people wearing pink apparel to watch 'Barbie', a color associated with the beloved toy.

The hype around 'Barbie' has sparked a lot of discussion online. A Twitter user slammed conservatives for being upset by the movie.

Tate responded to the tweet, agreeing with the original poster and called the movie's naysayers a 'bunch of dorks'.

"1000%. Bunch of dorks. No wonder all they do is lose on every single issue. 'OMG I WATCHED BARBIE AND HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE' Bruv even Ken would beat the f**k out of you, get a life?"

When Andrew Tate brought up 'Barbie' while discussing female beauty standards

Andrew Tate is known for speaking his mind and his comments have often caused controversies on social media.

Last year, during an episode of the Fresh and Fit podcast, the former kickboxer commented on the topic of blondes vs. brunettes. Tate picked the former as his preference and brought up the example of 'Barbie' to give the reasoning for his choice:

"Blonde. Because I think Barbie is the ultimate arc type of female beauty. I think that everybody knows that the idea of a Barbie doll is the most beautiful version of a female. I don't buy into the whole latina cr*p. No, give me a barbie doll. That's what I'm interested in."

Andrew Tate, along with his brother Tristan, is currently under house arrest in Romania and is involved in a legal battle involving multiple charges against him like human trafficking and rape.

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