BnB, Drive, Punish Counters, and more

Juri is incredibly strong in Street Fighter 6. Players have been working on optimizing her combos since the beta. In my opinion, Juri has always been effective since her first appearance and is as deadly even now, with incredibly powerful, far-reaching kick attacks. The projectiles are good for confusing opponents, and she has a tricky

Juri is incredibly strong in Street Fighter 6. Players have been working on optimizing her combos since the beta. In my opinion, Juri has always been effective since her first appearance and is as deadly even now, with incredibly powerful, far-reaching kick attacks. The projectiles are good for confusing opponents, and she has a tricky moveset. I’m a big fan of Juri, even if I don’t play her that often.

Thankfully, skilled players worldwide have shown off optimal combos for Street Fighter 6’s resident Taekwondo expert. If you want to know more about playing Juri Han in SF6, here’s what you need to know.

This guide was thanks to the hard work of MIR at VesperArcade, but other skilled players have combos featured here.

Combo guide for Juri in Street Fighter 6

1) Basic/BnB Combos to use in SF6

c.LK > LP > LK xx DP HP

VesperArcade, a reliable source of fighting game knowledge, shares several Juri combos. This simple combo has you crouch LK into standing Low Punch and then cancel the kick into her HP version of her DP (Tensenrin). It does reliable damage and isn't especially complex to use. It's easy to link into most of her moves and combo into solid damage in Street Fighter 6.

c.LK > c.LP > c.LP XX LVL 1

You can also link easily into her Level 1 super, beginning with some crouching attacks. Canceling from your light attacks is a crucial skill to master with various Street Fighter 6 characters. Juri Han is no exception.


Learning to cancel is important in Street Fighter 6, regardless of whether you play someone like Ryu, Juri, or anyone else. You must immediately hit the next input when asked to perform the action. While it takes practice, this is a solid combo, linking the crouching MP into Go Ohsatsu.


This is a more complex combo, requiring a few cancels, but it does a high amount of damage and is satisfying to pull off. You push the opponent across the screen with a brutal series of kicks and punches, ending in Juri's DP attack.

2) Simple Juri combos in the Modern Control scheme

j.HK > c.MK > Back+SP > Forward+SP

These combos came from a recent Onestep video. This character has solid moves as a Modern Control character in Street Fighter 6. This is just one of several ways to link her back kick to her spinning kick. This also grants Fuha, which is important for virtually everything this character does.

DI > Forward.HK > Forward+SP

This combo locks the opponent to the corner. It takes only a few inputs but sets up a Drive Impact, Heavy Kick, into her anti-air spinning kick. Then, when they get back to their feet, you can use your low projectile to bait an action. From there, just walk up, throw, or punish.

3) Drive Meter/Drive Impact combos


This is a solid Drive Impact corner combo. You cancel the crouching Heavy Punch into QCB.HK, and then the DP for a healthy chunk of damage. It's not a game-ender but is a solid punish, and a way to bully someone you've caught in the corner.


This is another powerful corner Drive Impact combo for Juri Han in Street Fighter 6 that ends in her level 1 super. You will need two points of Fuha for this to go smoothly which is simple enough to build, thanks to her counter.

4) Whiff Punish, Punish Counter, and Counter-Hit Combos

c.MP PC > c.HP xx QCF.MK > Forward.MP xx DP HP

This particular Punish Counter combo boasts about 25% of most fighters' health bar. Coming off the crouching MP punish, you hit them with her QCF and cancel the forward Medium into a beefy DP strike. It is satisfying and very damaging.

QCF.MK PC > HP xx QCF.MK, Forward.MP xx DP HP

This fighter's specials are also great for setting up Punish Counters in a match. Spinning in with the Medium Kick and going from the PC to a canceled HK into more cancels, you can chunk someone's health bar and make them rethink their actions. It requires more work for about the same damage but is flashy.

5) Feng Shui Engine Combo Example

HK XX DR c.MP > c.HP XX QCF.MK > Forward.MP-MK-c.HP-j.MP-MK X QCB K-K

Quite frankly, you can cook up virtually any combo in the world with Feng Shui Engine. It's a super art that, for a limited time, allows Juri's normal attacks to link together to form combos. The action displayed above is just one thing you can do with it. Normally, you can't special cancel a Heavy Kick unless you're using Feng Shui Engine.

Hold the punch button after using this Level 2 super for Juri to use a unique dash. You then use that to cancel into various of her normals and set up some wild combos. If you see an [...] in a notation, that means you can use any attack button.

This combo system makes her easily one of the strongest World Warriors.

This is just a sample of what you can do with Juri Han in Street Fighter 6. We will periodically update this with more combos for players to try out. If you have a combo you wish to share, feel free to send me a clip with a notation/video clip to my Twitter.

You can also read our review of Street Fighter 6 right here.

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