Brandi Glanville is not pregnant despite fans seeing bump in runway video

Brandi Glanville, known for her appearances on reality television, recently found herself at the center of pregnancy rumors. A video clip from Watch What Happens Live (WWHL) stirred speculation about her being pregnant. Despite the buzz, Brandi is not expecting a child at the moment. In this article, well delve into the details

Brandi Glanville, known for her appearances on reality television, recently found herself at the center of pregnancy rumors. A video clip from Watch What Happens Live (WWHL) stirred speculation about her being pregnant. Despite the buzz, Brandi is not expecting a child at the moment. In this article, we’ll delve into the details surrounding these rumors and clarify Brandi Glanville’s pregnancy status.

The Twitter Buzz

At the end of June, a particular Twitter post sparked conversations among fans, leaving them questioning whether Brandi Glanville was pregnant. The post featured a WWHL clip in which Brandi appeared to have a noticeable bump. Comments flooded in, filled with ‘congratulations’ messages, but the truth behind the speculations needed to be examined.

The Reality Check

Let’s clear the air: Brandi Glanville is not pregnant. Despite the fervent speculations and the video that suggested otherwise, Brandi has made it clear through her previous statements and online humor that she is not expecting.

In 2019, she playfully addressed pregnancy rumors with a tweet that read: “I am not pregnant as far as I know but I’m having s*x later today and will keep y’all posted!” Brandi’s candidness and humor have always been a part of her online persona.

Brandi’s Motherhood

Brandi Glanville is already a loving mother to two sons, Jake and Mason, from her previous marriage to Eddie. While she has not responded directly to the recent pregnancy rumors, her past reveals and openness about her life experiences, including her abortion at 17, demonstrate her willingness to share her personal journey with her audience.

Exploring Fan Reactions

The video clip that led to pregnancy speculations ignited a flurry of fan reactions. Some viewers thought they had missed a pregnancy announcement from Brandi, while others believed it might be a matter of posture or an announcement yet to come.

One fan expressed surprise, saying, “Wait…did I miss that she’s pregnant? Congrats to her!” Another speculated, “I think it’s just her posture, jutting out her hips for the walk and pose, but it could be she just hasn’t announced her pregnancy.” There were also compliments like, “She definitely does look pregnant and beautiful.”

Brandi’s History with Adrienne

The pregnancy rumors surrounding Brandi Glanville couldn’t help but bring up memories of her on-screen drama with Adrienne Maloof, a fellow Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH) star. Brandi’s revelation about Adrienne’s use of a surrogate to have her twins, Christian and Colin, became a focal point of the show during its third season.

Brandi’s claim about Adrienne’s surrogacy led to a heated and long-lasting feud between the two stars, ultimately resulting in portions of their interactions being edited out from the show. The drama between Brandi and Adrienne dates back to season 3, reminding viewers of the intense moments that unfolded during their time on RHOBH.


In the world of reality television, rumors can spread quickly and captivate fans’ attention. Brandi Glanville’s recent pregnancy speculation is a prime example of how social media and fan discussions can lead to a buzz. However, it’s essential to separate fact from speculation. As of now, Brandi is not expecting a child, and her candid humor remains a trademark of her online presence.

