Bruce Lee Vs Muhammad Ali: Who Would Have Won?

In a mixed martial arts competition, probably Lee. If they were boxing, it might have been more complicated. By the numbers, Bruce Lee was one of the most remarkable athletes the world has ever seen. As we've pointed out before, he managed to match Ali's punch force while tipping the scales at half of the

In a mixed martial arts competition, probably Lee. If they were boxing, it might have been more complicated.

By the numbers, Bruce Lee was one of the most remarkable athletes the world has ever seen. As we've pointed out before, he managed to match Ali's punch force while tipping the scales at half of the boxer's body weight. That said, he wasn't much for Queensbury rules. Lee's only recorded boxing match didn't go great for him: he found the gloves constricting and the regulations infuriating, and wound up winning a fight against a teenage boy by decision.

Ali, meanwhile, was damned near untouchable in the ring. With six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles and an Olympic gold medal to his name before he turned 20, he remains to many the genuine Greatest Of All Time. The Economist reports that by the end of his career, Ali had taken over 200,000 punches. He beat Joe Frazier on purpose, Sonny Liston on accident, and Superman on panel. The guy was a specimen.

The short version: gloves on, Ali, gloves off, Lee.

