Calvin Harris Covers British GQ - Talks Taylor Swift Split

Calvin Harriswill grace the front cover of British GQ this October. Wearing a white Grandad style shirt and blue suit, Calvin poses alongside a vintage convertible and looksquite the superstar DJ.

Calvin Harris will grace the front cover of British GQ this October.

Wearing a white Grandad style shirt and blue suit, Calvin poses alongside a vintage convertible and looks quite the superstar DJ.

Calvin Harris Covers British GQ - Talks Taylor Swift Slipt 1

The Scottish DJ was last night named ‘Solo Artist of The Year’ at the 19th British GQ Awards in London.

Speaking to GQ after accepting his award, Calvin opened up about his split from Taylor Swift.

“It’s very difficult when something I consider so personal plays out very publicly.” Harris said. “The aftermath of the relationship was way more heavily publicised than the relationship itself.”

“When we were together, we were very careful for it not to be a media circus. She respected my feelings in that sense.”

The couple dated for 15 months between 2015 and 2016, before breaking up earlier this year.

Harris seemed to make light of the break up drama during his acceptance speech, thanking his manager Mark Gillespie for his support.

“We started out at the same time. We discovered a lot of new exciting experiences together, whether it be touring together or dealing with endless amount of bull***t that’s written about people in 2016. So thank you.”

Calvin recently revealed he will soon release his new single, the follow up to this summers smash hit ‘This Is What You Came For’ featuring Rihanna.

Are you a big Calvin Harris fan? Who do you think will feature on his new track? Let us know your thoughts over on Twitter @CelebMix

