Claude Wright Metropolitan Funeral

My brother from another mother! Lil Butch was my brother Ronnie Cool best friend and brother; therefore, he was my brother! I love Lil Butchs smooth, funny and loving demeanor. Whenever you saw Lil Butch, he was dressed to impressed. I remember him and Ronnie wearing their bell-bottom jeans with a crease that was so

My brother from another mother! Lil Butch was my brother Ronnie “Cool” best friend and brother; therefore, he was my brother! I love Lil Butch’s smooth, funny and loving demeanor. Whenever you saw Lil Butch, he was dressed to impressed. I remember him and Ronnie wearing their bell-bottom jeans with a crease that was so sharp, it would cut your finger! The last time I saw Lil Butch, he was still sharp, wearing a cream suit and red boots! Although I didn’t see him that often, whenever we did see each other, he would call me “Candylady” and give me big hug. I pray that the family will find comfort in knowing that Lil Butch is rejoicing in Heaven and is probably one of the best dressed Angels ever!
I love you Lil Butch!

