Emma Roberts gets bitchy about nepotism, which is obviously not true

This week, Kaiser gave us a fresh reminder of just how nasty, rude, and obnoxious Julia Roberts can really be, and it seems that her niece (and daughter of Eric Roberts) is well on the path to claiming that portion of the family legacy. Generally speaking, we already know that Emma is both entitled and


This week, Kaiser gave us a fresh reminder of just how nasty, rude, and obnoxious Julia Roberts can really be, and it seems that her niece (and daughter of Eric Roberts) is well on the path to claiming that portion of the family legacy. Generally speaking, we already know that Emma is both entitled and smug and 20 going on 12, but now she takes issue with people (primarily those nefarious bloggers) who dare to insinuate that her family name has helped her get movie roles. You see, this notion is simply “so ridiculous” and “obviously not true” even though Emma seems to have forgotten that her role in Valentine’s Day most definitely came as a result of Aunt Julia’s involvement.

Outside of that bit role in a box-office slam dunk, Emma’s effort to prove some cred of her own has faltered miserably. Sure, she’s a serviceble enough little puppet in roles like Nancy Drew and Hotel for Dogs, but she doesn’t really shine and comes off as very easily replaceable onscreen. Last year, It’s Kind of a Funny Story failed to recoup its budget even though Emma walked around in her bra and panties throughout the movie. (Don’t forget that she still insists that actresses who go topless are “tasteless”. Emma’s also got a movie coming out this weekend, The Art of Getting By (she plays a popular high school girl that decides to date a misfit), which is currently sitting at 21% on Rotten Tomatoes. Still, let’s not even mention the possibility that Aunt Julia has anything at all to do with Emma Roberts getting either of these roles as a romantic leading lady because she spoke to Popeater and proved us all wrong:

Did you go to school?
I went to school till seventh grade and then I was home schooled through high school.

Was it strange to play a high school student?
I mean, no because high school is such a big part of American culture, it’s so prevalent in music and TV and movies, I think I get the gist!

In the beginning did everyone accuse you of nepotism because of your dad and aunt?
A lot of people think that and they talk about nepotism which I think is so ridiculous considering it’s obviously not true, because I’ve auditioned for so many things and never gotten the part. Also it’s like, you know, maybe someone can get you one part but they can’t really get you ten parts.

Would you want to work with her?
Yes I would love to. I think it would be really fun for us.

You know you’ll be accused of nepotism if it happens.
Oh well, if someone wants to say that to my face. If someone blogs about it I’ll be annoyed. I think it’s so funny people will blog stuff but they won’t say it to your face. I would actually have more respect for them if they said it to my face, then I would probably not say anything back.

Are you immune to nasty comments online or do you still get upset?
I don’t read them anymore but obviously you know that they’re there. For me I can’t let it bother me because for me anyone hiding behind a computer is kind of irrelevant.

Or a loser.
Uh uh. Also I can handle it, but there are some people with the whole bullying thing can’t handle it and do horrible things to themselves.

How come there are no photos of you tripping outside a nightclub?
I love going to Europe because you’re allowed to go out. I’m not trying to go out to be a mess but I love to go dancing and in Europe I’m old enough to be allowed to go out dancing with my friends. I love London, it’s my favorite place.

[From Popeater]

Okay, Emma’s clearly on the defensive (and in denial) here about the fact that a famous name might not get you everywhere in Hollywood (see Angus Sutherland), but it will get your foot in the door. This is particularly the case when talent is not a huge factor, which is the case where Emma is concerned. Seriously, in a Hollywood where even Rumer Willis can get consistent work, nobody can claim that nepotism doesn’t exist. Rumer isn’t an awful actress, but she isn’t any good either, but standards are really low for those with a family name. One really has to be a bad as poor Angus to lose that initial golden foothold. Of course, I generally feel a slight pang of guilt for giving Emma some crap here because it’s not like she’s headed the way of the Crackhead Lohan in her early twenties. Still, the girl needs to appreciate where she came from and learn a little humility. Hopefully, that’ll come with age.

Incidentally, Emma also claims in the Popeater interview to wear heels “24/7,” but I guess that doesn’t include the below photograph, which was taken less than a month ago. Don’t judge!



Photos courtesy of WENN

