FIFA 23 Base Icon Upgrade SBC

The Base Icon Upgrade SBC provides a beautiful chance for FIFA 23 players to guarantee themselves an icon card. The latest SBC is part of the FUT World Cup offering and could be of a lot of value to a player. After all, icon cards are unique items of legendary footballers, and they tend to

The Base Icon Upgrade SBC provides a beautiful chance for FIFA 23 players to guarantee themselves an icon card. The latest SBC is part of the FUT World Cup offering and could be of a lot of value to a player. After all, icon cards are unique items of legendary footballers, and they tend to be in heavy demand.

While they can be acquired from the market, their prices tend to be higher. Moreover, these cards have a lesser supply, so players must rely heavily on luck. With the current SBC, players can add a base version of a random icon card to their squad. Each icon card has three versions - base, mid, and prime, with the last being the best.

Let's look at what tasks await the players as part of the Base Icon Upgrade SBC. FIFA 23 players will also be able to conceptualize the amount of FUT coins required to complete the challenge. Unfortunately, there's no sure-shot way of knowing what's going to be the final reward.

The Base Icon Upgrade SBC's value in FIFA 23 will widely vary based on luck

Compared to traditional icon SBCs, the current offering is quite simple. The Base Icon Upgrade SBC has only two tasks, both of which have easy conditions. Players must satisfy them while submitting their squads to earn the rewards.

Task 1 - 85-Rated squad

  • Squad Rating: Min 85
  • # of players in the Squad: 11

Task 2 - 87-Rated Squad

  • Minimum OVR of 88 : Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 87
  • # of players in the Squad: 11

By completing the two tasks, players will also get 2 FIFA 23-player packs, increasing the eventual value of the SBC. Players have a week to complete the Base Icon Upgrade SBC, which can only be done once.

Players will require between 200,000-210,000 FUT coins to complete the Base Icon Upgrade SBC. They can reduce it to some extent with fodder, as it will allow them to not spend in the market. The main target is to use the 88-rated card from their collection, which is the costliest item.

The Base Icon Upgrade SBC is worth doing for a FIFA 23 player if they have plenty of fodder. This will allow them to reduce the cost of completing the challenge and increase the reward valuation. This becomes even more vital due to the nature of the rewards.

The completion costs are relatively high by any means, and the rewards have plenty of RNG associated with them. One player could receive the base version of Patrick Vieira, while another might spend more and get that of Jerry Litmanen. As such, the difference in reward valuations will be huge and could be unfair for some players.

To a large extent, the Base Icon Upgrade SBC in FIFA 23 is overpriced by a considerable margin. There are better challenges to complete, and more could be added soon. Those with a shortage of coins should look to avoid it by all means possible at this point in time.

Alternatively, players can obtain special World Cup icons from the swaps program. Patrick Vieira and Cafu's special cards can be obtained by exchanging swap tokens.

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