Heather Graham on lockdown: My goal is just dont gain weight basically

Heather Graham was on Conan OBriens show earlier this week. Im not sad hes ending his show next year. He was creepy with her and its like the whole interview was a bit where he was hitting on her. Heather reminded Conan that he was married and that she has a boyfriend, which he seemed

Heather Graham was on Conan O’Brien’s show earlier this week. I’m not sad he’s ending his show next year. He was creepy with her and it’s like the whole interview was a bit where he was hitting on her. Heather reminded Conan that he was married and that she has a boyfriend, which he seemed fixated on. Yes he’s a comedian but he doesn’t have to do that. Heather handled it like a champ, she’s surely used to dealing with crap like that.

Before anyone bashes Heather for the quote in the title, she sounded perfectly reasonable about it and she’s not the one who brought it up. Conan was telling her how great she looked and she said she’s been working on not gaining weight. She lives in NY with her boyfriend, who is Dutch. Heather is promoting Wander, out now on demand with Aaron Eckhardt and Tommy Lee Jones. (Here’s a link to the trailer.) It’s getting mediocre reviews and is about a man with mental illness, played by Aaron, obsessed with the murder of his daughter. She’s also in The Stand miniseries, which is coming out next week on CBS All Access! Heather was sweet and fun to watch in this interview. Whenever I see her I’m impressed with her sunny personality. I’ve embedded the interview below and here’s part of what she said.

“You look absolutely gorgeous. I have to say, you’re killing it right now. You do not look like you’re suffering.”
Thank you I’m definitely trying not to gain weight. I did gain a little weight but then I lost it. My is goal just don’t gain weight, basically.

“Do you get obsessive about that?”
No but my boyfriend started cooking and everything he cooks is really fattening. Chicken tikka masala and pizza.

She thinks accents are sexy, but Dutch sounds weird to her
I’ve always thought guys from other countries were cute because they have an accent or speak Italian or Spanish. Dutch is not a very sexy language. When a guy speaks Dutch it’s like [makes throat clearing sounds].

On how she gets to sleep
I can get pretty nervous sometimes, but I’ve be doing this thing called yoga nidra because I have trouble falling asleep. My boyfriend, he falls asleep really fast and I get really mad and jealous. I do yoga nidra. This woman talks to you in this really soothing voice, her name is Jennifer Piercy, I’m obsessed with her. She just goes ‘your left ear, your right ear… feel a sense of vacation mouth.’ That made me feel really relaxed.

[From Team Coco on YouTube]

In lockdown I gained enough weight to go up a size. I lost about half of that then gained some of it back. It’s been a struggle. Like Kaiser has said, I feel like we all should go easy on ourselves. We’re stuck at home, I’m still exercising but haven’t been able to go to the gym, and I did learn how to bake so that’s been nice. Some of us are gaining weight and it’s ok. No shame on the people who lost or maintained though, we’re all on our our journey. Heather has said she avoids sugar and white flour and that she does yoga and pilates to keep in shape. Plus she told Conan she bikes a lot.

I couldn’t relate to finding Dutch unsexy though. My ex husband is German and I’ve always thought German and Dutch sound similar. I’ll hear Dutch and get confused because the words are so alike and I can pick out words I understand just enough to get confused. I like how powerful they sound and find German sexy.

I want to try that yoga nidra now! It sounds so awesome and like a nice way to fall asleep. I looked up the practice she mentioned and found some tracks online. I’m definitely going to use that during my nap this afternoon.

Also, I have to mention Heather is 50! She’s surely done Botox and a few other things but she’s not lying about it like J.Lo.

Here’s that interview!

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