How many boards are there in Monopoly Go?

Since being launched in April 2023, Monopoly Go has gathered a vast fanbase. While some tycoons want to become billionaires, some of them aim to complete the different boards faster. A new board always emerges as soon as these players complete one, which raises the question, How many boards are in Monopoly Go?

Since being launched in April 2023, Monopoly Go has gathered a vast fanbase. While some tycoons want to become billionaires, some of them aim to complete the different boards faster. A new board always emerges as soon as these players complete one, which raises the question, How many boards are in Monopoly Go?

If you are also looking for answers to this question, you are in the right place.

List of all the boards in Monopoly Go

Check out the list of Boards in Monopoly Go (Image via Scopely)

There are 131 different boards in Monopoly Go. Some of them come from real-life places like Venice, Madrid, New York, Paris, and more, while others are made-up places for the game. To unlock these, you need to complete the previous boards.

Scopely keeps bringing new events for the tycoons. Complete these events as soon as possible to get more rewards that will help you complete the boards faster.

Here is the complete list of boards in Monopoly Go

  • New York City
  • London
  • Venice
  • Paris
  • M. Industries
  • Camelot
  • The Old West
  • Rio De Janeiro
  • House of D. Ore
  • Frostgard Fjords
  • Prosperity Drive
  • Macabre Manor
  • Arabian Nights
  • Tokyo
  • Little M’s Room
  • Monaco
  • Atlantis
  • Madrid
  • The SS Goldwater
  • Hairsalon
  • Ulysses’ Travels
  • New Orleans Nights
  • Los Angeles
  • Celestia
  • Ceasar’s Rome
  • Montreal
  • Pleasantville
  • Doubloon Bay
  • Brussels
  • New York Nights
  • Monopolis 3000
  • Washington D.C.
  • Mt. Monopolis
  • The North Pole
  • Block City
  • Las Vegas
  • Alchemy Academy
  • Egypt
  • Amsterdam
  • Lunar City
  • Storybook Woods
  • Monopoly World
  • San Antonio
  • Maine
  • Sunset Fjords
  • M’s Club
  • The Roaring 20’s
  • All Citizens Bank
  • Massimo’s
  • Seoul
  • Electra Mall
  • Monopolton’s Ball
  • Pooch Park
  • Putts O’ Plenty
  • Sweets Factory
  • Garden Gala
  • Catfe
  • Tokyo Glow
  • Mr. M’s Cave
  • New Orleans
  • Treetops Resort
  • 70 Million BC
  • M. Elementary
  • Fire Isle
  • Thimble Farms
  • Fit-It Heights
  • Worn Woods
  • Earth Village
  • Istanbul
  • M. General
  • Boardwalk
  • Dark Vale
  • Apel’s Orchard
  • Camp Greenback
  • Air Acres
  • Marrakesh
  • M. Aquarium
  • Gnomeburg
  • Clutter Coast
  • Water Woodlands
  • Scottie’s Mansion
  • Monopoly U
  • Bavaria
  • Creature Kingdom
  • Sofia’s Shop
  • Martian Colony
  • Pleasant Pastures
  • Buenos Aires
  • Izakaya
  • M’s Museum
  • Monopulon 5
  • San Francisco
  • Pawfee Shop Electric Company
  • Norse Nebula
  • Sunset Shores
  • Token Factory
  • Aquapolis
  • La Mancha
  • Barcelona
  • Executive Isle
  • Crystal Depths
  • The Waterworks
  • Fire Isle Nights
  • Philadelphia
  • Haunted Hamlet
  • Winter Village
  • M Jewelers
  • San Francisco Nights
  • Chef Showdown
  • Monopoly Studios
  • Antarctica
  • Gnomeburg Nights
  • Reader’s Roastery
  • Seville
  • Galactic Flats
  • Ancient Egypt Nights
  • Small Business
  • Seashell Islands
  • LA Premiere
  • Boo U
  • Maui
  • Victorian Age
  • Sherwood Forest
  • Monopoly Con
  • Train Town
  • Buenos Aires Nights
  • Aquapolis
  • Atlantis
  • Gnomeburg Heights
  • Monopolton’s Ball
  • This is the current list of all the boards in Monopoly Go. However, since the game is still very new, chances are that more boards will arrive with the upcoming updates. Check out how to get more free dice rolls and keep them rolling to complete them faster.

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