ImportRange: Error: Cannot find range or sheet for imported range

Google Spreadsheet. I dynamically remove old sheet and I create (I use sheet.copyTo() function) a new sheet with the same name, but IMPORTRANGE formula can't find (periodically) new Sheets. This script works fine but other Spreadsheets which fetch data from this Spreadsheet by IMPORTRANGE formula periodically can't find new (generated) sheets:

Google Spreadsheet. I dynamically remove old sheet and I create (I use sheet.copyTo() function) a new sheet with the same name, but IMPORTRANGE formula can't find (periodically) new Sheets.

=ImportRange("ssId", "Data!A1:B1") 

This script works fine but other Spreadsheets which fetch data from this Spreadsheet by IMPORTRANGE formula periodically can't find new (generated) sheets:


This formula doesn't return anything!

function copySpreadSheet(sourceId, targetId) { try { var sourceSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sourceId); SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSpreadsheet(sourceSS); var sourceSheets = sourceSS.getSheets(); var targetSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(targetId); SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSpreadsheet(targetSS); var targetSheets = targetSS.getSheets(); //you can't delete all sheets! var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var tempName = "TEMPORARY-FOR-DELETE-" + timestamp; targetSS.insertSheet(tempName); for(var i = 0; i < targetSheets.length; i++) { targetSS.deleteSheet(targetSheets[i]); } var sourceCharts = []; var newSheetCharts = []; var newSheet = null; var newSheetName = ""; for(var i = 0; i < sourceSheets.length; i++) { newSheet = sourceSheets[i].copyTo(targetSS) newSheetName = newSheet.getName().replace("Copy of ", ""); newSheet.setName(newSheetName); /* newSheetCharts = newSheet.getCharts(); sourceCharts = sourceSheets[i].getCharts(); for(var j = 0; j < sourceCharts.length; j++) { /* Server Error: var chart = newSheetCharts[j].modify() .setChartType(sourceCharts[j].getType()) .addRange(sourceCharts[j].getRange()) .build(); newSheet.updateChart(chart); */ //insertImage(blob, column, row, offsetX, offsetY) /* newSheet.insertImage( sourceCharts[j].getBlob(), sourceCharts[j].getContainerInfo().getAnchorColumn(), sourceCharts[j].getContainerInfo().getAnchorRow(), sourceCharts[j].getContainerInfo().getOffsetX(), sourceCharts[j].getContainerInfo().getOffsetY() ); */ /* } */ } targetSS.deleteSheet(targetSS.getSheetByName(tempName)); //remove a temporary sheet //Adding Date Stamp: targetSS.insertSheet("Last time updated").hideSheet().getRange(1, 1).setValue(new Date()); SpreadsheetApp.flush(); Utilities.sleep(500); return targetSS; } catch (err) { Logger.log(err.toString()); } } 

I tried to "cheat" the Spreadsheet:

var querySheet = dataSourceSS.getSheetByName("Query"); querySheet.activate(); Logger.log(formula); querySheet.getRange(2, 1).setFormula("=Minute(Now())"); //any FORMULA Utilities.sleep(1000); querySheet.getRange(2, 1).setFormula(formula); 

It still doesn't work! enter image description here

1 Answer

Creating a new sheet with the same name is no guarantee that it will be treated as a replacement for the old sheet in all circumstances. Sheets have ID numbers that are used to identify them independently of names. If the importrange has been linked to a particular sheet, and that sheet is deleted, there is no promise that it will automatically re-link to another sheet that has the same name. Possible solutions:

  • Delete and re-enter the importrange formulas; this can also be done with a script if it has access to those spreadsheets
  • (Preferable): do not delete and re-created sheets. Clear the existing sheet with and copy new values to it.


targetSheets[i].clear() var values = sourceSheets[i].getDataRange().getValues(); targetSheets[i].getRange(1, 1, values.length, values[0].length).setValues(values); 

This will not copy formatting or formulas; the effect is essentially same as copying and pasting values only. But importrange gets only the values, so it makes no difference to it.

