Is Zooey Deschanel Ruffling Feathers on New Girl?

Oh, Zooey Deschanel, say it isnt so?! We thought you were Americas new sweetheart. We liked you specifically because you seemed less shallow and evil than some of the people in Hollywood. Yet, we find out today that the lovely young actress has become a bit of a power monger on the set of her

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Oh, Zooey Deschanel, say it isn’t so?! We thought you were America’s new sweetheart. We liked you specifically because you seemed less shallow and evil than some of the people in Hollywood. Yet, we find out today that the lovely young actress has become a bit of a power monger on the set of her hit TV show, New Girl. We really are hoping this is just a case of some misreported info. I mean, come on, not Zooey?

Radar Online is saying that around the set, Zooey Deschanel has become rather infamous. They claim that as she gets more and more power on the show, the more and more ruthless she is becoming. The rumor is that she expects certain shots and certain things to get done first, and when they don’t, they say the actress turns into a diva and makes everyone’s lives around her a little harder.

But why have we never heard anything about this before? I mean, is this what Hollywood really does to people? Or could this possibly be a case of some people on the set not liking her and trying to leak some bad or untrue information about the young star? Truthfully, we wish we knew.

Sad thing is, this is not specific to Zooey Deschanel. You do hear this is what happens to people over time. I just had hoped it wasn’t true.

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

