Osher Gunsberg and wife Audrey Griffen welcome baby boy

Osher Gunsberg and his wife Audrey Griffin have welcomed their first child together. The Bachelor host took to Instagram to share the exciting news, revealing theyd named their new son Wolfgang Wolfie for short, and included a lengthy heartfelt tribute to his sons mother.

Osher Gunsberg and his wife Audrey Griffin have welcomed their first child together.

The Bachelor host took to Instagram to share the exciting news, revealing they’d named their new son Wolfgang — “Wolfie” for short, and included a lengthy heartfelt tribute to his son’s mother.

“I am in complete awe of my wife,” he wrote.

“What I witnessed her do, the power I saw her summon from within her to bring this boy into the world was utterly astonishing.

“As he came closer and closer, her body began to unleash an incredible energy that was absolutely not going to be held back.

“Yet Audrey was able to harness it, guide it, and use it to transcend the extraordinary pain she was feeling and channel it all towards an energy that brought this boy alive and well into the world.

“That I’ve known Audrey for over five years, and yet had no idea that within her this whole time was an almighty divine force capable of bringing life into the world like this blows my mind and was astonishing to witness.”

Gunsberg added: “We are in love and drowning in gratitude, oxytocin and new baby smell.”

Gunsberg met the make-up artist on the set of The Bachelor in 2014 and the pair tied the knot in early 2017.

Griffen also has a 15-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

