People: Olivier Martinez was emasculated by Halle Berrys beauty & power

With each new Halle Berry story, I begin by scrolling through the inevitable hit job from TMZ or People and think to myself, What fresh hell is this? Everyone on earth knew that Halle Berry-getting-divorced was going to end up being a huge mess. But did we know it would turn messy SO quickly? Lets


With each new Halle Berry story, I begin by scrolling through the inevitable hit job from TMZ or People and think to myself, “What fresh hell is this?” Everyone on earth knew that Halle Berry-getting-divorced was going to end up being a huge mess. But did we know it would turn messy SO quickly? Let’s break it down.

Halle filed for divorce AGAIN. She filed divorce papers on Monday, but she used a series of aliases to protect her identity, and there’s some question about the legality of that move. Then Olivier followed up Halle’s questionable divorce paperwork with his own filing on Tuesday, and he used everybody’s legal names. Then Halle filed for divorce AGAIN on Wednesday, this time using the correct names. Everything else about the paperwork is the same, she just used the real names. She’s still “asking for custody based on the ‘best interests’ of 2-year-old Maceo.” And she’s still asking that their prenup be enforced. TMZ notes: “So now Halle has made it clear she wants to be the petitioner and NOT him. So a fight seems to be brewing.” YA THINK?

Spousal support. Given the competing narratives and dueling divorce filings, I sort of missed part of this. Halle is asking the court that the prenup be enforced completely, which means that she doesn’t want spousal support from Olivier and she doesn’t want to give him any financial support either. Olivier’s filing is different – it seems he’s letting the court know that he’ll be asking for spousal support. Damn, bruh. That’s just going to piss her off even more.

Olivier has such a temper. In case you didn’t “get” the message from Team Halle the first time around, “sources” once again went to People Magazine to bitch about Olivier’s terrible temper. A source tells People: “Oliver comes from a world where he was easily intimidated by her ability to work and that she was the breadwinner. He was emasculated by her beauty and her power, and his temper could erupt. He was never physically abusive towards her. He was very possessive in a very kind of caveman way but was never abusive to her or the family… He had an explosive temper in a way that was profoundly frightening. You never knew when he would explode.” Team Halle is writing a Harlequin romance about this, about Halle’s unending beauty and how it destroys men’s souls. When Squinty Met Crazy.

Anger management issues. The source also tells People: “Olivier has definite anger management issues. I think this was coming for a long time and [Berry was] not wanting to have to do this.” Olivier’s “unpredictable temper” meant that he was “unnerving to live with.” But Poor Brave Halle is fine, just “sad, very sad.”

Much like everything that went down with Gabriel Aubry, Halle consistently overplays her hand. I don’t know if she truly believes that everyone thinks she walks on water, but she definitely believes that if she throws enough dirt on Olivier, everyone will be on her side and no one will see through her machinations. That’s one thing that always bugged me about Halle: she’s really obvious. She threw everything she had at Gabriel and he still didn’t back down and it just made her even angrier, so she slammed him some more in the press. She’s incapable of playing a long game, of taking a hit now so she’ll win the battle in the future. Add to that her pettiness and her own need for drama, it’s sort of a wonder that Halle and Olivier didn’t realize that they were perfect for one another.

As for what’s being said about Olivier… I mean, I believe that he’s a temperamental douche. But that doesn’t negate the fact that Halle is a temperamental douche as well.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

