Pixel Ark :: Church Bulletin :: Bulletin Preview

Hi and Jayamasiha (Christian greetings in Nepal means Praise be the Lord)! I hope and pray that you are doing well in the Lord. What a joy that we are in the season of our Savior's birth!! What a joy to know that Christ is the reason for every season. I really am blessed and

Hi and Jayamasiha (Christian greetings in Nepal means Praise be the Lord)!

I hope and pray that you are doing well in the Lord. What a joy that we are in the season of our Savior's birth!! What a joy to know that Christ is the reason for every season. I really am blessed and thankful towards God and towards you all who have been faithful, loving, caring, exhorting to love Him first and to seek Him in all. The crazy and joyful season is going on and I know that you all are busy with ministry, but I would love to give an update so that you would know how God is using me and how you can pray for me too.

The Lord has really been faithful in my life and has blessed me so much. Keeping that in mind, it had always been challenging to be more faithful, and humble. Personally, just growing in the Lord and being obedient to what God has brought in front of me is really challenging and joyful. God has blessed me with all the people and ministry opportunity in my life. I am involved in Bible College, church, discipleship, and also praying and planning for future ministry. Bible College: Being able to teach at Bible College is blessing me. I have been helping in the translation as well. It was blessed time with all the staff and students in this semester. We had fun, fellowship, outreach and Jesus in midst of everything. I also enjoy spending time with students and reach them through sports, practical works as well as boy’s night and discipleship. The Lord has really taught me to be humble and teachable on my journey of preparing for teaching.

Since we have School of Worship from this year I had opportunity to teach on Servanthood and it was blessed. Church: Since we have started Calvary Chapel Church on 2018 February, God has really blessed me by giving opportunity to serve by teaching in Saturday service as well as in Mid-Week service. What a great privilege to know that God has also given opportunity to serve as worship coordinator as well as taking care of the finances. Being able to disciple a couple of youths has kept me pressing on and investing in young people more. Others Ministries:

There’s lots of other ministries that I have been involved with.

1. Leprosy Colony: AIR has paved walking road in one of the three colonies and this time we are planning to renovate all the toilets of main colony since it is dirty and needed to keep clean for their health. Since we have a good relationship with them, they have opened up to the gospel, fellowship, and we are going with students and do some worship, and sharing from the Word as well. They are a real blessing to us and we’re blessed to bless them.

2. Promise Child: is also one of the ministries that I am involved with, seeing little girls growing physically and spiritually is a real blessing.

3. Outreach: we have a couple of places where we went and shared the gospel as well as one of our graduate students named Birkha, has planted church in west side of Nepal called Baigune; AIR has helped to support for a year through Church and it's a blessing and we appreciate that. Gorkha and Swara are also in radar of AIR; we do not go there as much because of busyness here but we do have good relationship, we keep in touch and also plan for future leadership training and gospel program.

4. Slum area: There is one slum area where the church of the region is helping to run kids fellowship, distributing foods monthly and do special food sometimes.

5. Discipleship: This is the area where God has used me to invest in people. There’s a couple of young people in my life that God has put to disciple them. Even from my former church I am still able to invest in them as well as some youths from current church. It's always a blessing to learn from them and teach them. My place is always open for fellowship, discipleship, people come and it's a blessing to feed them, welcome them, be a place for fellowship.

Praying planning and praying: Just to know how God has been giving opportunity to serve in all these area always puts me in awe. I can't be more humble and be thankful to Him for all these opportunities. Just being faithful to what God has given me, getting ready, and equipping myself to what He will bring in my life. I am not sure how He wants to lead and where He wants to lead but one thing I know that where He leads He provides and I do not want to go where He doesn't want to lead. In 2020 January I am starting youth fellowship at church. Keep me in your prayers to be wise, for strength as well as to be faithful and seek His direction.

A.I.R. (Anchor International Relief): is also going to set a fellowship place in our future coffee shop( Lord willing) but our main focus is to make a place for fellowship, discipleship and a hangout place for those who want to come. I am also open for planting church but not right now. I do not know where and how but keep me in your prayers. I just need to be confirmed from God as well as will take counsel with Pastor Gary and Tony. It's not about place but it's all about calling. But now I really want to focus and be faithful on what God placed in front of me and ready to follow Him where He wants to lead.

Appreciation: I am really am THANKFUL to my living God and also towards to you all too who have invested in me through prayers, financially, mentoring me and keep challenging me to seek Jesus. Praying and can't wait to see you all personally, if the Lord wills one day I will be able to see you all and even if not so, for sure in the air!!! Much love to you all.

In Him, Rajiv K.C from Nepal.

