Royal photographer Arthur Edwards: Prince Harry has simply lost the plot

Its kind of funny and sad to really look at the sheer number of musty white British people who believe that they have completely sane reasons for not liking the Duchess of Sussex. As Stormzy eloquently summarized earlier this year, no matter what those old farts say about *why* they dont like Meghan, the real

Royal wedding

It’s kind of funny and sad to really look at the sheer number of musty white British people who believe that they have completely sane reasons for not liking the Duchess of Sussex. As Stormzy eloquently summarized earlier this year, no matter what those old farts say about *why* they don’t like Meghan, the real reason is simple: “she’s black.” It’s that simple. But because everyone has to tie themselves into knots to explain away their gut-level, unchecked racism and why it’s okay because Meghan is so dreadful, we get these remarkably unhinged and strained arguments from people who are just… telling on themselves. Case in point: royal photographer Arthur Edwards has been around the royal family for decades. And this is what he had to say about Meghan and Harry:

A Royal photographer who has snapped Prince Harry throughout his life says that following his marriage to Meghan Markle, “he has simply lost the plot.” Veteran royal photographer Arthur Edwards, 79, said of Harry’s criticism of the British Commonwealth, “To criticize the one thing the queen cherishes above all things, which is preserving the Commonwealth, is an insult to her — no matter what the palace may say officially. Any country can look back and find faults, but we learn from history and move on. Harry should stop listening to his wife, who is obviously filling him full of these ideas.”

The Commonwealth is a voluntary membership “family of nations” of 54 countries which grew out of the British empire. The queen — who has visited 52 of those countries — views it as one of her greatest achievements.

Edwards added that Harry had changed following his marriage to Markle.

“Unfortunately for the last couple of years he has gone completely sour … I’ve been photographing him since the day he was born, and it was down to her. I think the moment she married Harry, [she was thinking,] ‘Right let’s get out of here as quick as we can’ … she had no intention of staying here … and she’s dragging Harry along … hopefully he comes to his senses soon.”

[From Page Six]

Jesus, maybe this is why William and Kate are constantly talking about mental health? Because all of these people are in desperate need of YEARS of therapy. Let’s try to unpack just some of this. “Any country can look back and find faults, but we learn from history and move on.” Has Britain learned from history? Because they just spent two years smearing the first black woman to join the royal family and they seem completely incapable of speaking about race, racism, inclusion or whether they believe black lives matter. So maybe they haven’t learned anything from history? Maybe they haven’t even looked back and found fault with their colonizer past? Maybe they continue to whitewash their colonialist past and they’re mad at Harry for not participating in the whitewash?

And then: “Harry should stop listening to his wife, who is obviously filling him full of these ideas.” How dare a prince of the realm not only marry a black woman, but listen to her and grow as a person because he has a marriage of equals? HOW DARE HE! And the rest of it, about Harry coming to his senses and Meghan “dragging” him… I mean, this has been the conversation for months now at very high levels. They’re all actively hoping that Harry dumps his wife and child and comes running back to them, the colonizers. That’s what everything is being geared towards now.

Oh, and Arthur Edwards spoke to Dan Wootton about how Meghan is to blame for everything. Dan Wootton, the same dude who was paying off William & Kate’s people for information on the Sussexes.

Anzac Day Service of Commemoration

Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.

