Stop Adjusting The Volume On Your TV This Device Does It For You Automatically

If you're watching TV at home and find yourself struggling to hear dialogue in dramas or you find that the explosions in action movies are way too loud, it may not be your own hearing sensitivity or your speakers, but your TV itself. Unless you're a sound engineer, you probably don't know how to rejigger

If you're watching TV at home and find yourself struggling to hear dialogue in dramas or you find that the explosions in action movies are way too loud, it may not be your own hearing sensitivity or your speakers, but your TV itself. Unless you're a sound engineer, you probably don't know how to rejigger your sound settings, so let the Aftermaster Pro handle the problem automatically.

It was engineered to fix the problems commonly experienced with movies or TV audio by automatically adjusting settings to keep the volume at the ideal level at all times. Aftermaster Pro uses a patented process to improve audio throughout its entire frequency range so you don't need to continually reach for the controller.

This device usually costs $180, but Daily Beast readers can get it on sale for $164.95 today.

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