The Hard Rock Cafe London supports Youth Music's Give a Gig

The Hard Rock Cafe in London lent its support to Youth Musics Give a Gig week when it hosted an evening that showcased up and coming country music talent earlier this week. The country fans in the packed out venue were treated to musical performances fromJess Davies Band, SJ Mortimer,Abi Bridgeman,Larissa Eddie,Jeannine Barry andLaura Oakes.

The Hard Rock Cafe in London lent it’s support to Youth Music’s ‘Give a Gig’ week when it hosted an evening that showcased up and coming country music talent earlier this week.

The country fans in the packed out venue were treated to musical performances  from Jess Davies Band, SJ Mortimer, Abi Bridgeman, Larissa EddieJeannine Barry and  Laura Oakes.  All were there to lend their support for the Give a Gig week initiative and Hard Rocks own Hard Rock Heals foundation which exists to change lives through the power of music. Across London alone there have been 117 gigs to raise money for Youth Music as part of Give a Gig week.

Youth Music is a national charity which funds music based projects for children and young people that face any kind of challenge within life. The charity supports over 350 projects across the UK and work with over 75,000 young people. The young people the charity help face various different challenges in their everyday lives be it mental illness and physical disabilities to young carers and people who have been excluded from school. Youth music works with the aims to progress the children and young people it helps socially,personally and musically. It gives them access and opportunity to experience and gain an appreciation for music.

What is unique about Youth Music is it supports children  and young people right from being babies up until they reach 25 as they realise that turning 18 doesn’t magically make all your challenges disappear. Writing lyrics could help a 14 year old express their feelings or creating a rap could help a 12 year old to understand the periodic table and makes music accessible to all.

Give a Gig week runs from 24-31 March 2017.

