The personal trainer of Kim Kardashian, Melissa Alcantara know about her career, diet regime, an

Celebrity trainers teach the stars to remain fit, eat healthily, and follow a strict regime. But do they also follow the same rigorous regimen in their daily life? At least Kim Kardashians trainer Melissa Alcantaradoes! So let us know what is the daily routine of Melissa Alcantara to stay fit!

The personal trainer of Kim Kardashian, Melissa Alcantara – know about her career, diet regime, and fitness workout!

Celebrity trainers teach the stars to remain fit, eat healthily, and follow a strict regime. But do they also follow the same rigorous regimen in their daily life? At least Kim Kardashian‘s trainer Melissa Alcantara does! So let us know what is the daily routine of Melissa Alcantara to stay fit!

Melissa Alcantara and her previous unfit lifestyle

Before she took to training for her daily ‘bread and butter’, Melissa was a waitress working and living in Brooklyn, New York. She had an unfit body and was super broke. Melissa, whose popular name is “Fitgurlmel,” told CNBC’s Make It:

“I was literally living month-to-month.”

She added:

“I was never into working out or sports. I was an avid smoker and also gained 70 pounds after giving birth to my daughter.”

The turn in the life of Melissa Alcantara

One day, suddenly Melissa thought that she cannot go on like this in life. She realized that she is not leading a healthy lifestyle and decided to change it once and for all. It was self-realization which took her to join a workout program called Insanity which was held in her vicinity.

She completed sixty days if this program and the result was overwhelming. She found a positive and conspicuous change in her health and body. Melissa was so impressed that it inspired her to turn to competitive bodybuilding as a career.

Melissa Alcantara and her job with Kim Kardashian

The personal trainer Melissa set up her own social media and Instagram account. Kim Kardashian saw her Instagram and invited her to be her full-time fitness trainer. The year was 2017 and she and her husband were, already wanting to move to Los Angeles. Kim’s offer made it possible and she accepted it.

Melissa Alcantara and her daily routine

Melissa is an early riser. She starts her day at 4 am. After getting up so early, the first thing that Melissa takes is a cup of coffee. Her favorite book is “Living a Life of Awareness: Daily Meditation on the Toltec Path,” by Don Miguel Ruiz. After her coffee, Melissa reads a positive passage from the above book. Its inspiring messages helps her to start her day in the right tone.

Melissa believes in intermittent fasting. Hence, she usually skips her breakfast. After her workout comes the first meal of the day for her which is around noontime. Explaining her non-structured eating habit, Melissa said:

“I like to fast during the day because I tend to eat more late at night, when I get especially hungry,”

This intermittent fasting, according to researchers is good for weight loss but the long-term effects are unclear. But Melissa sticks to healthy foods. Hence after the book passage reading, Melissa goes to train Kim Kardashian for two hours.

At around 8 am, she herself goes to the gym. Talking of her exercise regime, she said:

“I usually do legs twice a week or every three days. but it’s usually the same thing every week.”

She added:

“I try to walk 10,000 steps a day. That’s pretty much my cardio.”

Her daily water consumption is around a gallon. Elaborating on it, she stated:

“It sounds like a lot, and you’ll likely spend more time in the bathroom than anywhere else, but you eventually get used to it. Drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do for your body.”

More about Melissa’s daily routine

She then heads home to work on her website called Here she promotes her training modules and nutrition guides and sells them. She is work on her first book which will be out this fall.

Talking of her food and diet she said:

“I’m Dominican, so I like to keep my culture going,”

She eats toast with either eggs or chicken and with rice and beans. For dinner, she has usually fish with vegetables and rice. She keeps her fridge stocked with healthy food items.

She manages to have 5-6 hours of sleep daily. It is enough for her though she admits it is less than the recommended amount of 7-9 hours. She also has an 8-year-old daughter and has to balance family time and work.

Source: Make It

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