Was Aaron Rodgers ever engaged to Destiny Newton?

Aaron Rodgers has dated many celebrities over the years, but he was engaged at one point in his life to a high school sweetheart. She is a girl he met at church camp as a young man - Destiny Newton. While Newton doesn't have the notoriety of NASCAR driver Danica Patrick or actress Olivia Munn,

Aaron Rodgers has dated many celebrities over the years, but he was engaged at one point in his life to a high school sweetheart. She is a girl he met at church camp as a young man - Destiny Newton.

While Newton doesn't have the notoriety of NASCAR driver Danica Patrick or actress Olivia Munn, she was someone whose relationship with Rodgers got closest to marriage. The two reportedly got engaged back in 2012, having met each other a decade prior.

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According to KRCRTV, Pastor Andrew Burchett of the Chico Neighborhood Church has said that the Packers quarterback has always been led by his faith. Meanwhile, Newton's family has always been supportive of her being involved with the CNC, most notably because it led her to No. 12.

The two had a lot in common, but being an NFL QB took Rodgers in a different direction from Newton.

Destiny Newton and Aaron Rodgers have a 'Bachelor' connection

Shawntel Newton, Destiny's sister, was a contestant on 'The Bachelor'. Co-incidentally, Jordan Rodgers, Aaron's brother, was a contestant on 'The Bachelorette' and ended up marrying JoJo Fletcher in 2020, after 'falling in love' on Season 16 of the show.

Shawntel was one of the final four contestants on Season 15 of 'The Bachelor' but she was eliminated after the hometown visit episode. Newton matriarch Colene once told RadarOnline that she was glad her daughter didn't wind up with Bachelor Brad Womack.

Womack had previously been 'The Bachelor' four years prior but didn't end up 'finding love' on the televised dating show.

Aaron Rodgers is dating a woman named 'Blu'

Aaron Rodgers is dating someone named Blu who was originally rumored to be named 'Blu of Earth'.

She shot down those rumors on her Instagram page in a condescending manner, despite advertising a “modern mystery school for women to reclaim the magical, radically authentic, wise, wild, unapologetic you" on the same page.

She is also hosting a podcast called “DeJá Blu,” - described as “a clean reservoir of consciousness from which souls thirsty for purity, relief, and love can drink.”

Blu refuted allegations of identifying as a witch, posting on her IG story:

"Ps… My name is Blu. Not Blu of Earth...I do not identify as a witch...Y’all are hilarious"

Aaron Rodgers got a tattoo for Blu

Aaron Rodgers, to his credit, invests himself in the relationships he gets into. He was with Olivia Munn for three years, breaking up in 2017, before dating Danica Patrick for three years and breaking up during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

His latest investment has gotten him some pretty intricate ink on his forearm, which was allegedly his first tattoo:

The tattoo was done by Balazs Bercsenyi, the same artist who did a nearly identical tattoo that Blu got. When that was done back in 2019, Blu posted the following on Instagram (h/t New York Post):

“An initiation. A return to truth. A stand for unconditional love. A right of passage. A reclaiming of my own body. Thank you to my soul brother (Balazs Bercsenyi) for adorning my vessel with your light.”

Maybe Blu is the offbeat outlet Aaron Rodgers needs to win a second Super Bowl

Aaron Rodgers has been spectacular two years in a row, winning the NFL MVP award in consecutive seasons to bring his career total to four. Is it possible that Blu could be the muse for something greater than a fifth MVP?

Well, Rodgers can't do it alone. The defense, which cost Green Bay $200 million this offseason, is the next most consequential influence on any Packers postseason run.

Perhaps having an unorthodox partner that is tuned into her spirituality is what Rodgers needs to tap into his own and ascend to a championship level he hasn't been at in over a decade.

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