Where was Melissa Rose Trench found? Family releases statement after 38-year-old found dead

After nearly three weeks of searching, 38-year-old Melissa Rose Trench's remains were found at Shevlin Park, Bend on Sunday, January 15. She was last seen the day after Christmas by her family. After she was reported missing, her friends, family, and community members took part in the search for her along with the police.

After nearly three weeks of searching, 38-year-old Melissa Rose Trench's remains were found at Shevlin Park, Bend on Sunday, January 15. She was last seen the day after Christmas by her family. After she was reported missing, her friends, family, and community members took part in the search for her along with the police.

Deschutes County Police dispatchers received a call at about 12.30 pm on Sunday from search teams around the Shevlin Park area, situated west of Bend.

Melissa Rosann Trench (Image via Instagram/@siete.revueltas)

When the search team called authorities on Sunday, they said they found what appeared to be a body on Shevlin Park’s south end, near Forest Service Road 4606 and Tumalo Creek.

The location where the body was found falls outside the Bend city limits. So, the sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene and confirmed that the deceased individual was Melissa Rose. The Medical Examiner’s Office of Deschutes County also responded and assisted the sheriff’s office in the investigation.

Sheila Miller, Bend police Communications Manager, said:

“Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office detectives will continue to investigate this case, but there is no evidence of foul play or criminal wrongdoing.”

"Her spirit is free" - Melissa Rose's family confirms her passing in a Facebook post

After Melissa’s remains were found, Bend police thanked the Deschutes County Sheriff’s office as well as the Deschutes County SAR Foundation for assisting in the case.

Melissa Rose was last seen at a Fred Meyer store after leaving her parent's home on the night of December 26. She had a green jacket on with fur on the hood. It was the same outfit her family reported she was wearing when they last saw her.

Melissa Trench at a Fred Meyer store (Image via Bend Police Department)

Miller said that Melissa’s car was found by her family members at the entrance of the same park on December 27.

According to Bend police, Melissa called one of her ex-boyfriends from years ago on December 27 and informed him that she was injured in a forest and needed help. He notified her family after getting the call, and that began the search for Melissa.

Melissa Rosann Trench (Image via Instagram/@siete.revueltas)

Sheila Miller said the call from Melissa's phone was verified through cellphone records. Police also interrogated her ex-boyfriend, who was not in Oregon when Melissa Rose called him.

Melissa’s family shared a post on Facebook on Sunday, January 15, on the page “Bring Melissa Home”. The page was initially created to gather help from other people in the search for the 38-year-old.

The statement on Facebook read:

“Today, January 15th, Melissa Rosann “Rose” Trench arrived home. Her spirit is free and she is at peace.”

Her family shared their profound gratitude for everyone who was able to partake in the searches held for Melissa. They also thanked people who sent them encouraging messages of hope and kept Melissa’s family in their prayers and thoughts.

Melissa's family then thanked the Deschutes County SAR team for putting relentless effort into the search, the Pacific Crest Trackers Association for investing their time and dedication in the case, and lastly, the Bend Police Department for assisting them throughout.

They concluded the message by saying:

"May Melissa "Rose" continue to live in our hearts and her spirit continue to accompany the acts of those she's touched."

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office and their Search and Rescue Team searched nearly 4000 acres and about six square miles within days of Melissa Rose’s disappearance. They conducted the search in the same area several times with search dogs, drones, ground searchers, and even horse teams.

The Bend Police department also assigned two detectives to follow up on tips provided by the public. Detectives examined surveillance videos and went through cellphone data as well.

Melissa Rosann Trench (Image via Instagram/@siete.revueltas)

Melissa Rose’s brother Jeffrey Trench said they received an outburst of strong emotions from people. They felt a lot of gratitude and appreciation that so many people reached out to them and sent a message of love and support, extending their hands to help the family.

Jeffrey described his sister as a very caring and authentic person, who reached out and touched many people.

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